by Wisconsin Red April 25, 2018


We don’t have the Pacific stretching to the horizon. There aren’t Rockies rising up from the earth. There’s no Big Apple or City of Angels.

…But it doesn’t matter. We don’t need oceans, mountains, or international hubs. Why would we? We’ve got State Street. We’ve got Aaron Rodgers. And we’ve got Spotted Cow.

These other places – California, Colorado, New York – they’ve had it easy. Not us. We weren’t granted the shortcuts to become what we are. It all came from within.

This is Wisconsin. Our oceans are legions of red-and-white filling Camp Randall. Our mountains are the stacks of empties on the porch after Homecoming. Our “big cities” are small towns across the state pouring into one place or another for our own brand of riotous fun.

We’re everything that the Midwest wants to be. We’ve got a pride unrivaled, a capacity for revelry found nowhere else, and a swagger that evokes envy across the union.

We’re Wisconsin. We wouldn’t want to be anything else. Anyone who doesn’t see what we are – who we are – there’s the door. For the rest, there’s a welcome mat, a house full of smiling faces, and an endless flow of Wisconsin beer to greet you.

So we’ll see you at Oktoberfest, at Lambeau, at Summerfest, at Spring Splash, at Homecoming. We’ll see you anywhere we all stand up as the greatest state in the nation and yell “On Wisconsin!”

Wisconsin Red

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