by Wisconsin Red April 25, 2018

Wisconsin Red is taking over the college scene in the state of Wisconsin, and we're looking for the best talent at each campus to join our team.  

If you're a well-connected go-getter at your campus and are self-motivated to make money (and a difference) while promoting the biggest parties on campus, we are excited to hear from you. 

 We're interested in hearing from the following: 
- Aspiring Entrepreneurs
- Digital Marketing Majors 
- Social Media Managers
- Campus Influencers
- Videographers & Photographers
- Graphic Designers
- Writers & Bloggers

Below is a brief description of the role and responsibilities of the campus rep position: 

Responsibilities - Be the face and voice of Wisconsin Red on your campus & in your community. 1. Generate leads among groups of students & event attendees, those within Greek and University affiliated organizations, and others in the community... Connect Wisconsin Red to customers for commission. 2. Run your campus' Wisconsin Red social pages and be the voice of all that's happening on campus.  
Benefits - Boost your résumé with tangible sales figures- Customer Interaction and Engagement- Experience marketing a Company.
Compensation- Commission on every order from your leads- As an Independent Contractor, you have limitless potential to make money- You will receive your own links and back-end office to monitor online sales

If you're interested in joining a the Wisconsin Red team at your campus, complete the form below and we'll get back to you! 


If you're interested in joining a the Wisconsin Red team at your campus, complete the form HERE

Wisconsin Red

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